Game 07 - The Destiny Prognostication Engine

Starday, 26th day of Lamashan, 4711 AR


The heroes went to see Fantasimo at his house following the magical animated invitation (crafted by the eccentric wizard Xonapop, who specialised in peculiar self-destructing scrolls!), there to meet with Fantasimo's colleague as requested. They were introduced to a scholarly man sat upon a magic carpet that hovered several inches above the floor. He was Sheikh Ava Nanaba, a lecturer from the College of Gurat in Qadira. By way of introduction he informed them that Gurat was also famous as the home of the Oracle of Gurat (also called the Mouthpiece of Gurat), a cyclops guarded by one thousand deafened eunuchs, who dispenses his prophesies to the rulers of Qadira and the larger Empire of Kelesh, of which Qadira is a part.

The introductions over, Fantasimo bade the adventurers be seated and listen to a proposal from Sheikh Ava Nanaba, over some Qadiran delicacies including sheep's eyes and a gooey sugared confection called Qadiran Delight.

Sheikh Ava Nanaba proceeded to recount to the heroes a summary of Azlant, its fall, and the scattering of its survivors across the world. He told how their influence on the wider world could be traced through their bloodlines, writings, architecture, and the like. The sheikh went on to tell of how there were indications that an enclave of Azlanti in what would become Qadira had created a device called the Destiny Prognostication Engine that had foretold the destruction of Azlant by Earthfall, but for some unknown reason this information came too late.

The history lesson over, Fantasimo came to the point of the meeting and said that a nomadic tribe in the Meraz Desert had recently reported sighting the tip of what looked to be a buried pyramid. The sheikh wanted to sponsor an expedition to investigate the pyramid and Fantasimo wanted some statuary brought back - such an expedition was beneficial to both the scholarly sheikh and the effusive merchant.

The sheikh advised that he could arrange a ship - The Djinni Wind - to sail to Qadira, provide an official letter of authorisation for the venture, and would put up two thousand gold for initial expenses - camels, provisions and water would be essential and he urged the heroes not to skimp on equipping themselves for the rigours of desert travel. Fantasimo recommended that they visit Hackamore House, Absalom's leading store for mounts and carriages, for all their needs. Lucciola advised that his druidic magic could produce enough water for their needs.

The heroes agreed to the assignment and, wasting no time, went to Hackamore House to equip and provision themselves for desert travel. There they met with the owners: the centaur Aetris Thunderhoof and her lover Glenair of House Jefreet, a druid. With some guidance from the owners as well as Lucciola, the group bought a riding and a pack camel each, along with sufficient provisions and feed.

Sunday, 27th day of Lamashan, 4711 AR - the Festival of Jestercap


The new day dawned, bringing with it the festival of Jestercap: a day of fun and tricks. The heroes assembled with the new mounts to journey to the docks to meet with the ship The Djinni Wind. The procession through the streets attracted some attention, notably from gnomes who relished the opportunity for hijinks and even managed to turn some of the camels into rather startling shades of colour using minor magic. Fortunately these pranks were undone with relative ease, though not before a few of the heroes became annoyed and failed to enjoy the spirit of the trickery, most notably Adyel.

They reached the docks in time to witness the arrival of The Djinni Wind - it was a near windless day, and yet the Qadiran ship's sails were billowed full. The ship docked and the ship's captain, Ramoud met the party and greeted them, inviting them aboard, while some of the crew saw to the loading and accommodation of the camels.

One of the crew is somewhat unusual: a djinni. Captain Ramoud introduced him as Walker of the Timeless Winds, and that he served to summon the winds that can drive the ship at great speed when necessary - as the heroes had just witnessed. During further discussions, Captain Ramoud revealed that he was searching for his missing daughter Ayesha who also happens to be betrothed to Walker of the Timeless Winds.

With the heroes aboard and their mounts and supplies stowed safely, the captain ordered the ship to leave port, and the djinni raised a magical wind to send The Djinni Wind on its way to Qadira.

Moonday, 28th day of Lamashan, 4711 AR


The next day saw Absalom left far behind as The Djinni Wind sped southeast across the Inner Sea. But the day was barely new when a strange green mist was sighted by Adyel. Captain Ramoud was called for, but he did not answer the summons. The green mist began to encircle the ship and as it closed in Lucciola warned everyone that he sensed the presence of undead.

There was a thump as The Djinni Wind struck something unseen in the green mist, and moments later five barnacle-encrusted corpses dripping with water and giving off a nauseating stench climbed aboard the ship. They were draugr and their intent was plain and the adventurers gave them battle1, with Adyel, Dio, Kisarra, and Miria claiming the death-blows.

Garmidius queried Walker of the Timeless Winds where the captain was, and the djinni answered he was absent and searching for his missing daughter through time and space - a curious answer to say the least!

With the draugr vanquished, the green mist dissipated and the The Djinni Wind sailed on for the rest of the day without further incident.

Toilday, 29th day of Lamashan, 4711 AR

The next day another ship was sighted: a large vessel driven by sails and several banks of oars. Captain Ramoud had reappeared as mysteriously as he had left, and informed the heroes that the ship was The Sultan's Jewel, the flagship of the Qadiran navy.

As the heroes watched, The Sultan's Jewel came alongside The Djinni Wind. Then a large bubble of energy rose from its decks and floated across the gap between the two ships, and several of the party identified this as a Telekinetic Sphere. The sphere alighted on the deck of The Djinni Wind and disappeared, revealing within two fine camels and a warrior. "That's a Peerless One," whispered Captain Ramoud. "They report directly to Satrap Xerbystes II of Qadira." A second sphere travelled across from the Qadiran flagship, depositing two more fine camels, a man who by his features - particularly his deep purple eyes - was of Azlanti descent, and six naked, bound and castrated slaves.

"My name is Othollo," said the Azlanti in a rich fluid accent. "This is Selim." He indicated the Peerless One. "What is your business here?"

Lady Helena greeted the Azlanti in their own language, and explained the party's mission, providing the official letter of authorisation for the venture that had been provided by Sheikh Ava Nanaba. He perused the document and appeared to be placated. "We will stay aboard and travel with you to your destination, our goals are aligned," he stated, before commandeering the captain's quarters and ordering his mounts and 'other animals' be stowed in the hold.

With some of the adventurers somewhat taken aback - Miria seemed particularly incensed - The Djinni Wind sailed on once more.

Oathday, 30th day of Lamashan, 4711 AR

Around midday land was sighted and a flashing signal could be seen on the shore. The ship headed for the light, and a short time later stopped in the shallows. "This is where we are dropping you to meet your guide," explained captain Ramoud. He ordered the group's mounts and supplies, and those of the Azlanti Othollo and his guard, unloaded via a ramp to the shore and wished them well.


Forming up into a caravan, the group headed along the shore towards the desert. They had barely travelled for more than a few minutes when suddenly the sands beneath them shifted and eight giant crabs rose up around them.

The chaos of battle quickly ensued with the giant crabs in the midst of the caravan, four towards the front, and the other four nearer the middle. The Peerless One Selim quickly sprang into action to defend his master, and in a dazzling display of swordsmanship was able to slay the four giant crabs near him at the front of the caravan.

The heroes moved into action to take on the other four monsters, and Miria, Lucciola, and Lady Helena's summoned eagles made the killing blows on the giant crabs.

With the battle over the caravan was approached by the nomadic desert tribe they had been told of, led by Dalrf and the man who was to be their guide in the desert, Alvaro. Seeing the slain giant crabs the tribe proposed a feast to celebrate, unsurprisingly featuring much crabmeat!

It was then that both Adyel and Garmidius thought they saw a distant figure mounted on a camel. A brief investigation was conducted, but nothing was found. Perhaps it had just been trick of the desert…

The giant crabs were stripped of as much flesh as possible before the heroes and their new guides travelled onwards to reach the oasis where they were to begin the proper journey into the Meraz Desert.

Half a day's ride through the great heat of the desert saw the caravan arrive at the oasis, and their they made camp and enjoyed a hearty feast of crabmeat. Lucciola used his druidic magic to summon water for everyone, and the tribesmen presented him with a camel-hide torc of curious design as thanks. The Qadiran nobleman Othollo and his guard Selim kept very much to themselves, taking no part or interest in the activities of the rest of the group. The sand-scoured remnants of broken statue were found, but no one was able to determine any real details.

As night descended, stories and experiences were shared around the campfires - or rather heatstones, used by the desert tribes. At one point Lady Helena caused some commotion and confusion when she took some of the heatstones and moved them around in what she considered to be the preferred arrangement. Disapproval from both her companions and the tribesmen saw this quickly undone! To end the feast a pipe-weed was passed around to smoke, though most of the heroes elected not to partake.

A belated Jestercap prank by Garmidius saw the wily gnome sneak to the supplies owned by Othollo and Selim, and substitute the water in one of their waterskins for his own 'special gnomish water'!

Fireday, 1st day of Neth, 4711 AR

The caravan left the oasis - with an odd comment from Lucciola when he observed that were there not two more palm trees in the oasis yesterday? - and travelled throughout the day without incident. Come night the caravan set up camp, with the Qadiri nobles continuing to remain separate. All of a sudden Othollo started to vomit and be violently ill during his meal. The first thoughts were that it was the result of the waterskin prank by Garmidius. Then a freak wind ripped Othollo's tent up and sent it whirling into the darkness. Othollo's ailment became worse by the moment, and Lucciola expressed that he thought the condition was similar to the effect that a Feast of Ashes spell might have. In fear and anger the Qadiri nobleman ordered Selim that they were leaving immediately. Taking only their mounts - and ignoring the slaves - the two Qadiri rode away into the night. The heroes agree that the slaves cannot be ignored and take on the task of caring for them.

Starday, 2nd day of Neth, 4711 AR


Led by Alvaro, the adventurers continued across the desert. Against the odds they found the more stone remnants that they thought were pieces of a statue of a person, and likely Azlanti in design.

Later in the day as it came time to consider camp, Lucciola saw a message in the sands warning of an impending lightning storm. The message was in the druidic script. Lucciola also advised that their unseen benefactor had been responsible for driving of Othollo and Selim using magic - evidently they did not want the Qadiri to reach the pyramid. The heroes elected to seek the safest shelter as recommended by Lucciola and wait out the storm.

A while later the electrical storm hit and lightning bolts rained down, fusing sand to glass in the strikes. Fortunately no one was hurt as the main force of the storm missed the hunkered down heroes.

Sunday, 3rd day of Neth, 4711 AR

Onwards the caravan travelled for another day, and Alvaro said they were close now. Night was rapidly drawing close when ahead the party saw the tip of the pyramid - complete with a large, slowly turning, gemstone atop it - jutted from the desert sand.

They reached the pyramid and soon saw Azlanti writing around the apex stone. It read:

When you have it, you want to share it.
When you share it, you do not have it.

Evidently it was a riddle. Adyel soon came up with the correct answer, and as she said "secret", a doorway began to open. But just then the sun dipped its last beyond the horizon, the gemstone stopped moving, and the door had opened little more than a hand span.



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